

Six spicy food helps you to keep healthy and eliminating dampness

Spring damp, you can try six spicy food: pepper, ginger, garlic, onion, pepper, Chinese prickly ash.

Six spicy food helps you to keep healthy and eliminating dampness

Pepper: warm, spicy, with black, white two kinds, can the treatment of dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, bronchitis, colds and rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and diabetes, hemorrhoids, cancer, asthma and other diseases of the patients is best not to eat pepper.

Ginger: warm, spicy flavor, can promote blood circulation, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, excitement, promote digestion, stomach intestine, increase appetite. Ginger can also play the perspiration cooling, refreshing, and alleviate fatigue, weakness, anorexia, insomnia, abdominal distension, abdominal pain. Ginger is good, but the internal heat due to yin deficiency and hemorrhoids patients should not eat.

Garlic: warm, spicy, with insecticide, detoxification, Xiaoji Qi, warm the stomach, and other functions. In addition, eating garlic can also prevent the flu, and have lower blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose and a strong anti-cancer effect. However, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with eye disease and unfit for consumption.

Onion: warm, spicy, with eliminating sputum, detoxifying insecticides, appetizing hot wet, hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering aid digestion, smooth liver Runchang, expectorant, diuresis, diaphoresis, prevention of colds, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, preventing and treating arteriosclerosis. But people suffering from eye or fever should not eat.

Pepper: hot spicy, with warming middle-jiao to dispel cold, Xiaoshi appetizer, sweating and dehumidifying effect, there are certain bactericidal effect, to prevent colds, arteriosclerosis, night blindness and scurvy has good effect. But the ocular inflammation, ulcer, hypertension, toothache, throat infection should not eat.

Pepper: warm, spicy, with temperature in the stomach, cold-dispelling desiccant, detoxification of insecticidal, and analgesic effect. Modern pharmacological study found, it must have a local anesthetic and analgesic efficacy. However, bronchial asthma, diabetes, gout, cancer patients and pregnant women should be used with caution.

Posted by susan858 at 16:30│Comments(0)