
phone headset

Mobile phone ring after 5 seconds and then can reduce radiation

In life, many people use mobile phone has a habit, just dial the phone calls or hear sound immediately be close to the ear, it is not correct.

Fixed telephone using an audio connection, the body is safe, mobile phone is communicated through high frequency to. In the course of conversation will generate electromagnetic waves, the electromagnetic waves can also generate heat effect, if the electromagnetic wave radiation and the effect of heat generated by energy exceeds the body under a certain limit, Yunzhi psp will cause harm to human body, especially the brain and eyes. So in the use of mobile phone in the process, especially in specific circumstances, should be of particular note.

First of all, in the mobile phone dial and was turned on, a signal transmission system is not stable, electromagnetic radiation from power max. Therefore, the instantaneous signal is connected to the mobile phone is best not to immediately close to the ear, and should put the mobile phone from your head a little farther, until the mobile phone screen display. Later the phone. If it is to be called back, wait3 to5 seconds, then the mobile phone to the ear, will reduce a lot of radiation.

Secondly, abandoning the " phone", not connected to said without end, must" make short of long". If time is too long, the electromagnetic radiation and the thermal effect will increase, the damage to the body will be multiplied. If you must call for a long time,windsor health can hang up after a few minutes, divided into several times, so that radiation significantly decreased.

Mobile phone again, in weak signal, will automatically increase the transmission power electromagnetic waves, so that radiation significantly increased. The ear, exposure to the head will be doubled. So when the signal is weaker should not use mobile phone.

Using a headset to call, to a certain extent, will reduce the number of radiation effects, but the earphone must be connected with special mobile phone headset, preferably having audio switching headphones cable, so that the use of more safety.

Mobile phone should not stop at the waist or hanging on the chest, to prevent the microwave on human visceral damage. In addition, mobile phone charging, may also lead to instability of current, radiation quantity increases, then it is better not to call.

Posted by susan858 at 13:33│Comments(0)